Friday, January 4, 2008

Treading Water in the Deep End

Last night I was watching the box set of The Muppet Show first season on DVD. Then I went to bed. You know what my dream was? The Muppets put on a play and I was sitting in the theater watching it. They performed all of the play Chicago. My dream was basically me sitting and watch a bad dinner theater version of Chicago performed by Muppets. It was weird and kind of creeped me out. So if that didn't make my head feel like scrambled eggs enough now I have a song stuck in my head for reasons that I can't recall. All morning in my head I hear this counting game rhyme that my Swiss friend growing up use to sing. I tried to look it up but I don't know how to spell any of it. So in my head all I hear words that sound like "amrari batchi chi coco drechi vetchi" and so on. Maybe I need some coffee to get my head out of crazy land, or maybe that will just make crazy land 5 times as crazy. Who knows.

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