Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Stupid Little Pet Peeves I Need to Get Over

Oh the gym between New Years and Valentines Day makes me want to pull out my hair. I mean I am happy so many people want to make positive improvements in their lives but it is just so over crowded. The amount of people at the gym makes my work-out at least a half hour longer then it did pre-New Year just because I have to wait for equipment and new members don't understand the concept of 20 min. limits on the machines during busy hours (despite the fact that they announce it on the loud speaker every 20 minutes). Putting your workout towel over the timer so people can't see how long you've been on isn't fooling anyone! Also, instead of being on the lowest setting, which is barely even moving, for an hour why don't you try being on a higher setting for a shorter period of time? I mean I'd rather spend a bit longer on a machine too but it is just rude to go over your limit when there is a line of people waiting. Thankfully on Thursdays and Fridays I can get my longer work-outs in because all then new people seem to only come out on Mon-Wed. Wow, how bitter and boring is this post? I write about the gym far too much. I should stop doing that.

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