Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Minty Warfare

Engaging in a battle with an Icy Hot type of muscle rub may sound like a good idea at first. Then after the throwing and smearing of gobs of cream battle one just feels hot/cold minty and tingly all over. After your nerves can't take it anymore and you are actually tearing up and crying from the mint and curled up in a ball you pretty much feel nothing but numb. Gobs of Icy Hot is not a toy kiddies!


Hollywood said...

That stuff should have an adult safety cap on it. Or, like morphine, it should only let you have so much in a certain time period.

One time, after a long run and a soccer game, I made the mistake of rubbing it over both of my legs, hip to ankle. I certainly forgot about the muscle ache, but only because my body was freaking out from the IcyHot.

Amanda said...

it's also a good idea not to go near your hoo-ha after you've rubbed icy hot in other places. that was a lesson learned...

Xine said...

HA! And how did that come about young lady?
