Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Cold War

This will probably be an exceedingly portentous post. I try to avoid such things but sometimes I am such things and I will post it (usually alcohol is the cause). In walking home tonight I was a bit cold and I liked it. It got me thinking about a half baked metaphor to how I like to lead my life. It seems like the objective is to always be at a comfortable tempter, put on a sweater when it's cold and take off a layer when it's warm. The thing is I like to feel cold, I like to feel too warm, and I like to feel just right. If I had a choice of always feeling the perfect tempter I would never take it. I don't think everyone feels that way, I think a lot of people would choose always being comfortable. I'm not sure if this even makes sense. Sometimes I purposefully go for walks without a sweater knowing full well I'll be cold, it clears my head into focus.

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