Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Give Me Space

Like everyone else that has park in LA I get really irritated with people that take up two parking spaces. Now I give some people the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps there was another car there before them that caused them to park in such a odd manner. However, there are a few places around my apartment that exactly two cars can park in and no more then two. When people park directly in the middle of these spots it drives me crazy. At first I just wanted to leave awful notes on their cars or egg them. However, I realize that I probably do really rude things unknowingly at times too. This is also why I don't get all pissy when people cut me off. I know I've accidentally cut people off before and no one is perfect. Though I do blink my lights at people that don't signal that they are going to turn right in front of me with no warning because that is just rude and lazy. Anyways, back to parking. I have recently taken to leaving notes on people's cars that simply say "Please don't take up two parking spaces, next time pull forward, thanks." Maybe I can help change these peoples ways.

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