Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Sketching sketching sketching at work today. The problem with sketching fashion is that you often draw something that would never ever work in real life. Stupid real life. Just because you draw fabric going this way and that doesn't mean it will ever do what you draw. The worst is when you draw out the front and it looks awesome and then you try and figure out what the back needs to look like and you realize the front you just drew is impossible to maneuver into any sort of rational back. Or that it would look like lumpy swiss cheese on a hanger and no one would buy it or could figure out how to put it on. I remember the first design class I had we had to design something and when it came to the critique they always asked "How does someone get into that." No one ever drew buttons or zippers, it just magically was. Much like everything else in life reality is very limiting.

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