Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Pack

Here are the little drawings I did of Dan's family's pets. They are pretty simple but kinda sweet. I hope I get to see the final product with other peoples contributions. I also wish I could get away with drawing something for my families presents. They have never really been that keen on my artistic endeavors though so hopefully someone else's family will enjoy them.


Lindsay said...

oh man. I kinda wish I hadn't looked at these before I did mine. Yours are awesome! I say again, you need to have a party where we all get together and look at your art, cause it's purty.

Xine said...

Awww, thanks. I'm sure yours are going to be very lovely. I hope I get to see them.

Lisa said...

wow, those are so neat! I wish I could draw!

Amanda said...

lovely! and i commend dan on the wonderful gift idea. :)