Monday, December 17, 2007


I have to say I had a really nice weekend with a mix of things to do and time to do nothing. I started getting the third season of Lost on Netflix. I had some good quality stare at the TV and think about nothing time. On Saturday afternoon I walked over to Meltdown comics for the super*Market local comic fair. Hazel was one of the organizers and Lindsey plus The Atrox were showing. Later on that night the Lindsys and David and myself went over to Rachel's Winter Formal holiday party, which is what the photos are from. That was a fun time, I drank a LOT on gingerbread martinis, yummy. We then party hopped over to another party at a girl name Hailey's apartment.

On Sunday I spent a lot of time reading. I went to Goodwill and found a few really cute things. I made cookies and my apartment still smells like it, I wish the smell would never go away. I made a strange felt dove for Maureen's Christmas tree. I've made a lot of ornaments this year for someone that doesn't have a tree. No one was decorating the gold tree at work so I took it as my duty to make rhinestone flower ornaments for it. Sunday night I went over to Maureen's for a holiday get together tree decorating. We played a game called "Catch Phrase" which is a lot like Taboo. It is a delightful game but under beeping pressure ones thought process and verbal skills seem to disappear.

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