Monday, October 29, 2007

Work It Out

So today is the first day of my vacation. I woke up and took a walk. I am using this time to work on my portfolio so that's what I did with most of my day. The plumber came by at 3 to fix my leaky kitchen sink. It is so nice not to hear the sound of dripping water anymore. Elwood is keeping my company by sitting on my sketches.

I went to the gym after the plumber finished the sink. I worked really hard and did an hour and a half of cardio. I decided to do some weights at the end. I was on my last machine when this giant personal trainer came up to me. I'm use to the trainers being around and trying to get new clients but they are pretty good about keeping their distance from people like me that aren't interested in their services. I like to work-out alone and use the time as a type of meditation. It calms me to focus on my body and get out of my head for a little bit each day. Just focus on the physical and forget about the mental, and listen to my music on my ipod. I don't want some big jock next to me prodding me along, talking about my problem areas, and condescendingly complementing my efforts. Anyways, on my last machine when I am absolutely exhausted and very sweaty this big hulking guy comes up to me, without even asking, and starts repositioning me. If I wasn't so exhausted and intimidated by his presents I would have told him to fuck off. He is then barking orders for me to push through a bunch of reps. It hurt a lot and I was very uncomfortable, he also kept readjusting my body. It triggered some repressed feeling inside of me to be over come by this huge man that I just started to shut down. My lungs felt small and I felt trapped. He asked me what machine I wanted to do next and I just muttered something like "I have to go" under my breath and ran away. I got in my car and left. It took me about half way home before I could even think straight. I don't know why I reacted so badly towards that. I should have just told him I preferred working out alone. He didn't really give me a chance to. I feel kind of silly about the whole thing.

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