Monday, February 1, 2010

Rest Stop

There is an abandon sofa in front of my apartment complex, on the curb. I hope the city takes it away soon. It's not that I particularly mind it being there or that strange people wandering the streets use it to rest in. What I mind are the 2 drunk men sitting on it right now that couldn't just leave me be. They could just sit there and enjoy each others company and the beautiful night but instead they find it necessary to call me güera and hit on me while I fumble with my gate key and balance my groceries and gym bag in one hand. I don't really understand what they expect from me. I mean it's clear what they want from me but what do they really expect of me. I hope that sofa is gone soon.


Angie said...

I suggest introducing the sofa to a lit match :) That, or pour something completely rank-smelling all over it so no one will want to go near it.

Amanda said...

call "311" for city services and report it..they should come and get it.