Monday, February 22, 2010


Talking with someone my age the other day she was talking about the anti-wrinkle cream she uses. At first it seemed a bit early in life for that but then I started thinking maybe it is that time in life where one should start using it. I had always thought there would be a magical time in my life between acne cream and wrinkle cream but I guess they are going to cross over. I have not been blessed in the skin department. Hopefully the skin that has been making me breakout sense elementary school will at least use its oily magic to keep me looking younger. Is anyone else starting on a wrinkle cream? Any recommendations?

1 comment:

Angie said...

One of the topicals my dermatologist gave me for acne also has anti-aging properties. It's called Tazorac. So, to answer your question, yes I guess I'm sort of using a wrinkle cream but in a roundabout sort of way.