Thursday, February 25, 2010

No More

It hit me today. I have been eating Trader Joe's salads for about the last 4 years, approximately 4 a week. I don't think I can eat them anymore. Don't get me wrong, they are great but man have I burnt myself out. I feel like if I eat another one I will either cry or throw-up or maybe both at the same time. I need to figure out a healthy vegetable based alternatives. I once did the same thing with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I couldn't even look at them for 8 years. Tomorrow soup!


Angie said...

I'm getting burned out on all those microwave meals I've been bringing to work for lunch. Maybe I should try Trader Joe salads!

Amanda said...

I don't understand how you could make them last more than two days in the fridge! Your fridge must be amazing. Whenever I've gotten them on a Sunday (for example) they are all mush by Tuesday. What is your trick? I can't even imagine them lasting that long!
(PS: my word verification for this post is "twitati". ha!)

Xine said...

My secret is I buy 4, I tried 5 but it never works. I only pick the salads with the later sell by dates. I eat them according to whichever one has the closest sell by date. I also know by now which ones stay fresher longer. The one with the artichoke I usually eat first because it gets funky the fastest. The Southwest one stays freshest the longest and the dressing is a bit stronger to cover up slight unfreshness. I have become an expert in this. My selection is limited to my noting eating meat and not liking blue cheese. Recently they have stopped stocking my favorite one which I think has caused my burn out.