Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Detective Work

I was at a table today with 4 other people. Person 1 asks person 2 to photograph a small object at a few different angles and print out the photos. Person 2 comes back with the photo printouts. Person 1 looks at them and is confused by why the objects are much bigger in the photos then in real life. Everyone agrees that it is odd, and they need to be resized. I finally say "That is just how a camera works, you want a photocopy if you want to retain the same size of an object not a photo." Everyone looks confused and asks why that is. I explain "Well, if I took a photo of you and printed it out it wouldn't necessarily be the same size as you." Everyone understands and agrees that I am very smart. I now want to use this story in my resume as proof of my problem solving skills.

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