Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Get Lucky

Last night I was driving home and I was going to get some food at the drive though and had my wallet out on my seat when I was blocked by the most police cars I have seen in my whole life. I didn't even know that there were that many cops in LA. It was just blocks and blocks of police cars. I was worried that something really horrible was happening and I had to skip town or something. I finally found out it was because there were protest going on because of the prop 8 ruling. I felt so horrible and uninformed. I would have liked to have gone to the protest but I guess I'm so wrapped up in work that I didn't even know it was happening. Anyways, I park on the street at night and I was walking to my car this morning when I notice through the window my wallet is sitting there on my seat where I left it in plain sight of everyone passing by. I can not believe that my car was not broken into. Wow, I am a lucky lucky girl.

1 comment:

Hollywood said...

Police cars were everywhere yesterday. I was walking home from Melrose and about 7 of them were racing down Fuller sirens blazing.

I need to investigate what that was about.