Saturday, May 2, 2009

Family Ties

I have this odd love of movies about large families. Right now I'm watching Elizabethtown which isn't a great movie but I love the scenes with the characters big southern family. I always wondered what it would be like to have a big family. I only know 4 people related to me. My mom, dad, brother, and uncle. 3 out of those 4 are in their late 60's. I have always been the youngest person in my family. At this point unless I marry into a large family I am never going to know what a large family gathering is like. But you know what? It's all okay because you know what I love more then movies about large families? I love movies about eccentric people that create their own families of people they aren't in any way related to. That is so within my reach.


Thriftstoreglitter said...

I love Elizabethtown!My favorite scene is when they play Freebird at the funeral and the bird catches fire.My family is tiny too-but I like that we all fit at the table for Thanksgiving.

Xine said...

Oh man, I would love my funeral to be that AWESOME. The little tap dance is my favorite. It is so sweet. Every time I see that movie all I want to do is take a roadtrip.

Thriftstoreglitter said...

The tap dance definitely makes me tear up every time.