Monday, February 2, 2009

Flu the Coop

Thursday night when last I wrote was so awful. I stayed home sick and was so tired but wouldn't seem to fall asleep because every position I got in I could only keep for a minute of two before I thought I was going to throw up and then I tossed and turned. The whole night I just felt like vomiting and I'm not sure I even slept. I had just watched the last disc of last seasons "Lost" and it was fresh in my head. I'm pretty sure I was running a fever and was having half awake terror nightmares of stress about the show and knew I was still half awake and wanting to throw-up. I don't know how but I managed to drag myself to work the next day. I had so much to do so I needed to be there. I shouldn't have been there. I finally got home on Friday night and tried to go directly to bed and then ended up having all sorts of other problems that come with what I am guessing was the stomach flu. I was a giant pile of gross. I stayed in my apartment in bed all weekend and didn't see or talk to anyone. It was so depressing. I laid there on Sunday afternoon listening to all my neighbors fun Super Bowl parties and threw myself a little pity party. I woke up feeling much better this morning but weak as can be. I guess this isn't surprising sense I haven't really eaten anything in days and absolutely nothing could possible be left in my body. I had weighed myself on Weds. morning so out of curiosity I wanted to see what my weight would be post stomach flu. From Wed. to Sun. I dropped 5 pounds. That can not be healthy and probably explains a lot on why I am so weak and keep tripping and got out of breath just trying to put my hair in a ponytail this morning. But things are looking good now and damn I am read to have some fun.

In non sickness news I was on an elevator today with two people that had their babies with them. The lady turns to the guys baby and says, "What a big boy." The man then says "Yeah, he is big for his age. He is literally half the height of his mother." This freaked me out a little because it just looked like a small baby to me and if the mom was literally only twice the size of this baby then she would be the worlds smallest person. My head always goes to a freakish land whenever people miss use the word "literally".


Anonymous said...

I realize this is totally beside the point but, "fun" Super Bowl party? Since when have you become one of those people?

Anonymous said...

But then again, I suppose anything sounds like fun by comparison when I am puking my guts out.

Let's see... Puke my guts out, or watch the Super Bowl... Hmmm

I guess I'll have to take the Super Bowl.

Xine said...

Well, the first Super Bowl party I ever went to was when I was 20 and I have gone to some over the years. So I guess I became one of "those people" at 20. I might not understand football but I understand the joy of being in a room full of lovely people enjoying themselves.

Anonymous said...