Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tick no Tact

I can't seem to remember to bring a jacket with me for after the gym now that it is getting colder at night. So I leave hot and sweaty and then am sweaty and cold. And I wonder why I'm getting sick. This is totally fascinating isn't it? Not much is going on right now. I'm all rested and relaxed from vacation and am enjoying work again after having a break. Things are good but would be great if I could just remember a damn jacket.

Oh hey, I did just hear the worst song by some guy named Brad Paisley who is some sort of country music super star. I mean read these lyrics;

"'Cause I'd like to see you out in the moonlight
I'd like to kiss you way back in the sticks
I'd like to walk you through a field of wildflowers
And I'd like to check you for ticks.

An' oooo You never know where one might be
An' oooo There's lots of places that are hard to reach yeah I* been there
I gotcha."

Good god that's awful!


Hollywood said...

I know two guys who have had ticks on their penises. So, you really don't know where they will be. They like dark warm places.

Wow, I'm so using that as a pick up line sometime. "Hey, baby, can I check you for ticks?"

Xine said...

Well just don't use it on me, unless you want to sleep alone! Wait, what?