Sunday, November 30, 2008

Billy Ray

I went to the Troubadour tonight to listen to Azure Ray. They were so great and I'm really glad that I decided to buy a ticket. They played some of my favorites; Beautiful Things can come from the Dark, Displaced, The Trees Keep Growing, Rise and they ended on the most beautiful version of November. My surprise of the night was turning around and seeing a tall older man with thin white hair dressed in a black turtleneck and a black blazer. I thought it was a bit strange at first because most people there were around my age and younger. Then I was Bill Murray! Bill Murray stood behind me the whole show. It was so dark in there I hope he didn't notice my awful dye job haha, kidding. Anyways, I kept sneaking little glances at him. I'm such a fan and have been my whole life. That is by far my best celerity sighting.

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