Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hey Ho Lets Go

I started my doodle-a-day sketchbook. I have not drawn anything in awhile because I feel out of practise and I know it won't be good. So to inspire myself I am trying to make some drawing or another every day in my notebook. I doesn't have to be good and it shouldn't take me more then 20 min. to make. Just something to keep my hand active. If I keep it up maybe I will have a few to post that I like. It has been really easy the last few days to keep it up because I haven't had work. After taking a week off I am back to work tomorrow. I'm slightly worried about this for a few reasons. Fingers crossed everything goes smoothly. I have had so much fun and sleep this last week combined with my election high it has all been so lovely and happy. I feel like my head is on straight and I'm ready to go.

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