Friday, October 10, 2008

I'm a Make Believer

Sense I have no weekend plans I think I will be working on my Halloween costume this weekend. Don't ask me what it is, I always keep my costumes secret. I already have my foundation of the costume but I lave to "embellish" it in order for it to become an actual costume. Hmmm, so my question to myself right now is do I want to wear a wig and do I want to carry a prop? I can get away with doing neither with the costume but it would be better if I did. I like the wig idea but will have to look into how much it would cost. I don't want to spend a lot of money. I usually stray away from any costume that requires caring a prop because it gets annoying and you usually ditch it after awhile. Also I have no Halloween plans. I hope there will be parties that I can wear said outfit to. Halloween is the best!

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