Tuesday, October 21, 2008

ewwwww to you too

I was at Goodwill and found this really awesome vintage muumuu type house dress. The fabric was blue with these great bold graphic white flowers. I decided to buy it and will cut it down to a mini dress. I was very excited about my find and love love loved the fabric. When I was checking out the man at the register didn't know how much the dress went for so he holds it up and asked his lady co-worker how much it is. She looks at it and wrinkles her nose up and says "ewwwww.....it is $3.50." Then she sort of half turns to me and says "sorry" but not in a sorry I said that type of way, more of a sorry you have awful taste type of way. I'm standing there thinking 'is it an ewwww dress? am I buying something that is ewwww?' But then I pull myself together and think 'no, it is awesome! What is really ewwww are these ladies fake denim elastic waistband no pocket pants.' I like my muumuu.

edit to add photo of dress


1 comment:

Hollywood said...

That dress is fucking fabulous.