Friday, February 15, 2008

Tiny Dancers

Hope all you lovelies had a good Valentines Day. I came to work to find a warm piece of apple pie on my desk. One of the ladies I work with made chocolatechip cookies too. I got an wonderful valentine with a cartoon of the two twin towers and a plane with a smiley face on it about ready to crash into them saying "I'm Falling for You." That is the best card ever! In the evening Laurel, Aimee, Doug, Liz, Trumbo, Ashley, and I went to Jumbo's Clown Room where cute little strippers danced. Well, they kept their bikinis on so they weren't really "strippers". Jumbo's is known for having tranny strippers. Two of the ten dancers were trannies but they looked post op or they have magical powers of tucking. There was one girl who was awesome at the pole and had little streamers coming off her undies that looked like my tricycle handlebars from my Strawberry Shortcake bike I use to have. She danced to Darling Nikki. There was one creepy looking dancer that was a MILF, and as Aimee put it she was MILF without the LF. She just had a smile and glazed over eye contact oppressed eyes that said to me 'I'm going to kill you and then make sweet love to your corpse'. I was expecting a few more oddities but it was pretty tame. I wanted a midget or someone missing some body parts. I got up to leave but then the skinny short tranny dancer took the stage in a full wedding dress and black leather jacket to dance to White Wedding and I stayed a little longer for that. It was a pleasant Valentines Day indeed.

1 comment:

Hollywood said...

Oh man, I missed "White Wedding!" Jumbo's you know how to keep me wanting more.