Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Seeing Red

I bought oranges at Trader Joes. I just peeled one at my desk. It looked like a regular small orange but when I opened it the fruit is red inside. This is either a type of fruit I have never had before or I got an orange that went really wrong. I don't know if I should eat it or not.


Hollywood said...

It's a blood orange silly. Made with real blood.

Xine said...

I didn't eat it, I was frightened. If you could see red you would understand! I...have problems.

Amanda said...

Blood oranges are delicious - this is "their" time of year. They are sweet, tangy and spicy all at once! You should try one...they are soooo good!

I just had a cooking class where i made a blood orange and beet salad. I think that is going to be my next potluck dish.