Wednesday, December 24, 2008


There is this one place that always makes me feel sad and crappy everytime I go to it yet I can't seem to resist. I was in a perfectly good mood this morning and then I just visited a certain place and now I'm all sulky and depressed. You'd think that if you stuck your hand in a boiling pot of water you would never do it again yet I keep on sticking my hand it. I don't know why I do these things. I guess I just hope that one day it won't make me sad and I will feel nothing, I'd like to feel nothing.


Hollywood said...

The trick I've learned is to make new happy memories there. If I didn't make a new happy memory, I'd never have delicious gelato.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. Except I'd rather feel something than feel nothing. That's what keeps me coming back. I hate feeling numb to the world. With the right mindset the feeling is often bitter-sweet, as opposed to just bitter. And I'll take bitter-sweet over numb any day of the week. Could it be that your heart is trying to tell you something? Whatever the case, hope you can transform that place into a happier one.