Thursday, December 4, 2008

Acid Flashback

So I've been getting this strange acid reflux thing for a few weeks now. It isn't the same as when I was in college and I would actually have stomach acid coming all the way up and burning my throat. This time around it feels like I have something stuck in my throat and it is worse when I lay down. So I cut back on my acidic foods and it seems to have gone away. However when I went home for Thanksgiving I got it really bad and was eating tums like candy. I didn't even think I was eating anything that acidic. I came back to LA and was fine. Then today at work I was having a bunch of things going wrong and the acid reflux came back. So apparently it has more to do with when I am upset and stressed then what I am eating which is pretty damn healthy. This makes sense because I got it in college my senior year which was the most stressed out I have ever been then after college I didn't have it anymore. I just need chill the f out and CALM DOWN!!!

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