Thursday, October 29, 2009


I'm thinking of starting an on-line vintage shop, probably on etsy. I wonder if this is a good way to make some extra money or will it just end up costing me more. I am not good with money or business at all. In fact this whole idea started because I am short money this month and I was thinking of selling some clothes to get by. I'm short because I spent too much on other peoples birthday get togethers and presents and also for spending too much on making a Halloween costume. I also bought myself a few vintage things I didn't need. I don't end up wearing a lot of my vintage all that much. If I had a shop I could wear somethings a few times and then pass them along for a profit. Also if someone saw me wearing something and wanted it for themselves I could offer to sell it to them for a profit. I also have a really nice camera to take photos of the clothes and a dress form to display them on. I need to think about this and possibly come up with some sort of plan.

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