Monday, June 8, 2009

Type M

Yesterday in fit of feeling like I was having the most lazy weekend ever I decided to do a bunch of lunge squats. After that I went back to being incredibly lazy. I totally forgot about this and woke up in my extremely groggy Monday morning state and was concerned on why my butt was so soar. Waking up with a tender back side with no memory on how it happened can be alarming. Lucky for me the influence of watching The Hangover this weekend did not rub off on me and I didn't go that crazy the night before with no memory. p.s. that movie is very funny and I recommend it.

On another random note. I was walking to my car yesterday and two young gentlemen were passing me and one of them says to me "you look like the Madonna type." I have no idea what that even means but I find it funny.

1 comment:

Hollywood said...

Man, we need to solve that Madonna thing. Track those dudes down and ask for clarification.