Thursday, June 4, 2009

Give Me More

My first thought this morning was, 'I could be happier if I got rid of these 5lbs I gained in the last month.' But then 3 hours later my major thought was 'Wow, I could demolish a whole bag of Doritos right now.' I wonder how many hours I would have to be in the gym to work off a bag of Doritos, I bet it would be worth it.

In other news that I am not proud of myself for is that I have been kicking ass at paying off my credit card. That I should be proud of but the only reason I got so serious about it recently is because I told myself that I was not aloud to buy a new camera until I paid off my card. These are all left over charges from things I bought in college that I'm still paying off. I should have paid it off awhile ago but looks like I need to threaten myself with delights in order to be motivated. I want to buy a nice camera this time. I want something more then just a point and shoot. Which reminds me to add that I won't be updating my fashion log until I have a camera and that might be awhile.

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