Monday, May 5, 2008

LA is a Small World After All

Ugh! I just walked into work tired and groggy this morning to find that my desk is entirely cover with work. Whenever my boss comes in on a Saturday this is what happens. Let me just sip my tea and wake-up a little before I start working on it.

Nice little weekend. On Saturday I went to some thrift stores and then the Beverly Center. In the evening I went dancing at The Echo, well, it was under The Echo and was called something like The Echopex or Club Bootie. Anyways it was a fun time and I danced until I was about ready to drop down with sleep. I slept in on Sunday then Doug picked me up we did brunch and went to The Watts Towers. I've always wanted to see the towers. They are amazing! I took the tour. Seeing work like that just makes me feel like such a lazy person. I started downloading photos on Flickr this morning but didn't finish before I had to leave for work. Anyways some of them are up if you want to take a look. I'll probably just wait for Doug to post his and then steal them to post here. His will be a billon times better then mine. On our way back there was an impromptu stop in China Town for green tea ice cream which lead to an impromptu stop at a Cinco de Mayo festival. It was a very multi cultural Sunday.

Okay, back to this giant stack of work, UGH!

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