Friday, May 30, 2008

A Bowl of Froven Cherries

A group of 10 of us went to the Hollywood Bowl last night for the REM Modest Mouse show. I really got the tickets because The National was opening and they are one of my current favorite bands. Well we got there late and I only got to see 2.5 songs. I am so happy I went to their show the night before where I saw them play for over an hour. Oh well. I really underdressed for the show and was soooooooooo cold. As soon as they played the last song (What's the Frequency Kenneth) I bolted out of there without even saying goodbye to the group. I felt bad but all I wanted was to not be cold for a second longer. I think after I go to the Hollywood Forever Cemetery tomorrow night it will truly feel like LA summer. Not because it is that warm but because the Bowl and cemetery movies is what feels like summer to me, or at least my favorite part of summer :)

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