Thursday, July 8, 2010

Too Tired to Think of Something Clever to Title This

Work is just kicking my ass. I'm making a desperate attempt to get everything ready for our big Miami market next week. I'm so tired and I haven't been able to work out and I feel crappy and fatty. Towards the end of a very stressful day today someone sprayed spray adhesive in the room next to me and I had to work smelling that for the last few hours and got the biggest headache. My one happy thought was that I was getting the last half of the 2nd season of True Blood in the mail today. It is such trashy trashy fun. I just wanted to turn off my brain and take in the entertainment. I get home and my mailbox is empty. Oh the sadness! I thought about reading but my head isn't even thinking straight at all. I think I will see what hulu has to offer. I desperately need to unwind here. I always hate this time of year. Market always puts a damper on my summer.

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