Wednesday, August 26, 2009


My parents and brother came to visit me on Sunday morning and stayed till 6:30pm. It was very pleasant but half way through the day I started to feel very ill. I fought it off and pushed it out of my head so I could get through the day. As soon as they left though it washed over me and I was asleep feeling really awful by 8pm. I woke-up Monday morning and was a mess so I called in sick to work which was the first time I've done that this year. I've been back to work the last few days feeling not horrible but still not good. I just want to feel healthy again. I have lots of plans for the weekend and I don't want to be sick. The one good thing about being sick is that I am not hungry all the time like usual. I'm not constantly thinking about what I'm going to eat or when I'm going to eat. Though I have a homemade peach pie in my refrigerator that I've tried to eat a few times but it just doesn't taste like anything when I'm sick and it brings me no pleasure which is sort of sad.

1 comment:

Lindsalon said...

rest rest rest! get better :)