Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Apartment

The city is coming to inspect my apartment today with my landlord. I don't know why I find this to be so upsetting. I don't like the idea of people in my apartment looking at things while I'm not there I guess, or just strangers in my apartment in general. I spent the last few days cleaning and my place has never been so clean. This is also good sense my parents are visiting me for the first time this Sunday so at least my place won't be the disaster zone it usually is. I'm also nervous about their visit. I also notified my landlord with a few plumbing needs so that means I'll have a plumber there soon as well. Too many people in my apartment! Though now that my place is all clean and spiffy I wouldn't mind having friends over which I never do.


Lindsalon said...

I will come over some night and watch a movie if you want! I am amazed your parents are visiting, what are you guys going to do?

Xine said...

yes, lets plan something.