Friday, March 14, 2008

Pain in the Ass

I have been skipping or half assing going to the gym the last few weeks. I just have been tired or not in the mood. It seemed like when I did go I sort of faked it and went through the motions without any sort or energy and I was just wasting my time. All of a sudden the last three days I have gotten that spark back and I've been killing it exercise wise. I can't believe how much different it makes me feel. The last few weeks I have been super lethargic and complacent but at the same time I have been anxious and my thoughts have been restless. It is amazing the change that takes place with a good workout. I suddenly have energy and I'm happy (which is a big thing as of late) and my head just feels clear. I really think that if it wasn't for my workouts I would be depressed and asleep all the time. On the work out note I saw some sort of football game on TV and I was looking at the players. All of a sudden I was like 'Daaaaamn, I need to start doing squats.' I am not attracted really to jock types but I am attracted to the idea of having their shapely butts on my own body. So I've tried to start doing them and my butt is so soar that I can hardly move, or even sit.

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