Saturday, May 26, 2007


Don't mind me, I'm just taking a little internet break here. So YAH party it is late on a Friday night at the start of a three day weekend! Oh wait did I say party? Yeah, not so much, not that I'm not having a blast doing what I'm doing. I have been pleasantly hermit like lately. I have decided to take on a rather large complicated art project. It has been making me so happy. I haven't done a really complicated personal endeavor like this in such a long time. Before this I was mostly satisfied doodling in my sketchbook and other little things. So far I have mapped out my work and have been diligently tweaking and creating a pattern that involves 156 pattern pieces. Still working on the pattern pieces but hopefully this weekend I will be starting on the actual materials. I suppose all my friends are out right now having fun and what not. I kinda love this personal time I've been having though. My brother just gave me a ton of new burned CD's I've been listening to and loving. I'm very excited for this three day weekend! Viva la loveliness!

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