Monday, September 13, 2010

Okay, last week week was tough to say the least but now that I am all well in the medical department that I will not get into because it isn't pretty. Everything is much more manageable when you are in good health.

Saturday night I went to my last Hollywood Forever Cemetery screening of the year. There is just one more left next week but I have Hollywood Bowl tickets and I won't be going that night. On Saturday Amanda and I went to see the old (not the remake) movie Bedazzled. It was funny, not my favorite movie I've ever seen there. However, it was the least amount of people I've ever seen in a screening. So strange. I liked it less crowded, I wish it was always that way.

Yesterday I started a sewing project but it is a pretty big project with 26 pattern pieces with lining and piping and boning. It is going to take awhile to finish. Then I headed out to watch The Napkins first softball game of the season.

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