Thursday, June 10, 2010

I was sitting around reading last Saturday afternoon. I was feeling terribly unsocial and just wanted some much needed alone time with my book and a glass of iced coffee. I had kcrw playing softly and there was a pretty song on the radio playing with a lovely female voice. The dj said after the song that it was Karen Elson whom has been one of my favorite models for the last 10 years or so. She is also married to Jack Black. I was super impressed by her song and they said that she was playing at Spaceland on Wednesday and they would be giving away tickets soon. I just went back to reading. When they announced to call in to win tickets for some reason it just struck me to call in and try to win them sense I am a kcrw member. I actually ended up winning the tickets! I couldn't believe it, I've never called in for tickets before. Last year Amanda won Leonard Cohen tickets on KCRW and was kind enough to invite me to be her plus one so I was thrilled to get to offer her my kcrw plus one win.

So last night we went to Spaceland to check out the show. The first opening band was pretty bad but at least they seemed like they were having fun. The second band had a whole retro look that was pretty cool but there was so much echo in the female singers mike I couldn't understand a damn word she sang. I was a bit worried that the night might be a bust. Karen Elson's band took the stage and the men were dressed in super fancy black suits with dust rose shirts and the female base player had on a vintage peach dress with black tights. Karen had on a lovely beach colored vintage gown and her hair was the most beautiful shade of light red and she had this amazing hairstyle that I might try my hand at copying sometime in the future. She is just gorgeous. It's funny because I would never have recognized her if I saw her on the street. She looks so much softer and less edgy in real life. She had the same type of face that surprised me when I met Cindy Crawford in person. Their faces look tiny in person. It must be a super model thing, tiny faces with delicate refined features must photograph better.

When Karen started singing I was really taken aback at how beautiful she sounded and she had some amazing songs. She was such a treat to watch and was so charming. I could not get enough of watching her. If my feet weren't killing me from standing all night I could have watched her all night now. I really hope her music career takes off and she won't be stuck in the shadow of her husband. I highly recommend checking out her music.

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