Saturday, April 24, 2010

Hello Stranger

I needed to take a bit of a blogging break but I'm back and ready to blabber about nothing. I think Facebook updates have killed my frequent posting. I hate how they break down my story to the most basic and simple form. I think modern technology has slowly been destroying my ability to write more then a sentence or break down communication to almost nothing. One of my favorite things in life is hearing everyday stories and telling my own. I don't want to loose that and I hate using the phone. In fact I was thinking that it has probably been about 10 years sense I actually wrote a handwritten letter. I will always remember back in the fall of 1999 I had many letter writing correspondence with friends that had went off to college. A year later everything turned into e-mail and the world changed forever. I'd love to write letters again. They are just so much more personal. I have to look into who would not be weirded out by receiving a personal letter from me haha For some reason writing has been the only medium I feel free enough to be completely honest in. Oh shoot, I have to run. I have a full day and evening of fun and friends, and you know what? I will write about it later. So stay tuned, lots more posting coming soon. Peace, Love, and Cookies

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