Sunday, March 21, 2010

Cheese Please

I decided awhile back that I was going to try a different cheese from Trader Joes each time I went in to get cheese. Unfortunately I have not been writing them down and I have forgotten which ones I've already tried, oops. However, today I found my new favorite. I am in love with the aged goat Gouda from Holland, it is so so yummy. With the nice weather I have been scoping out new foods for picnics. I can't wait for outdoor picnics and BBQs and sitting around eating and drinking with such wonderful people. I have been taking it very slow this weekend because I am starting to feel sick. I haven't crossed over to the really sick zone yet and I'm doing my best not to push myself there. Unfortunately taking it easy makes me feel like I'm missing out on all the fun, but I will have more fun if I don't get sick so I will sit around watch movies and eat my goat cheese which isn't all that bad of a thing ;)

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