Sunday, March 22, 2009

Flushed Away

I use to have this beach towel growing-up that had an image of James Bond on it. I can't recall what movie it was for. I didn't know anything about James Bond at the time I just knew there was a man with a gun on the towel and some evil people and a pretty girl. I was very concerned for the girl being among all these scary guys. I remember making up stories in my head for what could possibly be happening in this world pictured on my towel. Finally one day I ask my mom who the girl is and she says something to the effect that it is just some girl. I ask her what happens to the girl and my mom wants to know what I mean. I clarify that I want to know if she lives or dies in the movie. My mom told me that she dies and I ask how. She then says "She gets flushed down the toilet." I was horrified. I never wanted to use that towel again because all I could think about was her last moments of life while being flushed down the toilet.

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