Sunday, April 6, 2008

Sew that Happened

Well before I start to clean up my giant sewing mess let me share with you my weekend sewing project. Yesterday I went to the fabric store with Lindsey because I wanted to get a pattern for this embroidered fabric I found. In retrospect the fabric would have been better as a full skirt, it is bit stiff. I cut out the pattern and pattern pieces at her apartment where her kitty Elwood pounced and tried to eat it. We had some dinner and then Lindsey, David, and I walked over to Black Market Gallery for the Ryan McLennanFrom Fur To Bone opening. This was my favorite piece.

Today I finished up my little sewing project. I haven't sewn anything in awhile so I am a bit rusty. This isn't the best thing I've even made but one must get back on the horse if you wish to ride again.


Lindsalon said...

I can't belive you made that so friggen fast, you're an allstar and I'm so jealous of your fabric skills!!!! it's so cute, I could scream!

Xine said...

Awww, thanks, it would have taken me longer if I didn't have your wide open floor space to lay it out on. It took me well over 2 hours though. The pattern lied! Who the hell can make dress in 2 hours?!?! Crack head, that's what I say!