Sunday, April 20, 2008

My Complement, My Enemy, My Weekend

On Friday night I went to Laurel's for a girly Jane Austen get together. We watched the BBC's Pride & Prejudice. It was very very British and very Jane Austen. I made some fairly unattractive cupcakes. I was walking back on Hollywood BLVD at about 3:15AM with the left over cupcakes. The only people on the street were drunks and they all wanted my cupcakes, even a cop tried to get one.

On Saturday Lindsey, Lindsay, and I went to the Hammer museum for the Kara Walker exhibit titled "My Complement, My Enemy, My Oppressor, My Love." It is very good and powerful and amazing to see in person. It will be up till June 8th and I recommend it.

After that David joined us and we had dinner at Ugo's and then headed over to Hazel's loft warming party. She has a huge space above an auto repair shop. I mean it really is giant, I would be intimidated to have that much space.

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