Monday, April 21, 2008

Oh Mine Eyes. They Burn

I have two flickr accounts, one for my personal photos and one for my fashion log of things I wear. On my personal account I am only friends with people I know, however on the other account I befriend other people that keep similar logs. I just become accustom to adding whom ever adds me as a contact without even checking out their page. Well when I check that flickr page a window shows the latest photos from my contacts. I never really pay too much attention to this section until recently. Last night I was logged on and I was like 'what IS that? It can't be what it looks like'. Oh but it was! It was some chick bent over, naked, and peeing herself. I was a little horrified to find that a great many of my contacts had the grossest and ugly homemade porn. I didn't even know that was aloud on flickr. I need to figure out how to delete contacts, it only I could delete some of these images from my mind I'd sure be happier.

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