Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Pen is Mightier

I went to Trader Joes tonight to get some groceries. There was a man in front of me in his mid 30s, slightly plump and pretty average. I didn't really think anything of him until after he left. I heard the cashier whisper to the bag boy "That poor guy." I'm thinking 'What could he have possibly bought from Trader Joes to receive such pity.' He was in front of me the whole time and I didn't hear him say a word to the cashier other then "Hello" and "Thanks." So the bag boy asks "Why?" The cashier says "He must must have gotten picked on a lot when he was younger." I'm confused because nothing at all seemed out of sorts about this man, the bag boy was equally confused and asked the cashier to elaborate. The cashier quiets him and tells him to hold off a minute until he is sure the man has left. I'm dying to know and hope that they don't finish with me before I can find out about this poor man that must have gotten picked on as a child. Finally the cashier turns to the bag boy and whispers "I just feel bad for him. I was looking at his credit card and his name is Harry Johnson." They both then burst into laughter which in turn makes me laugh and also feel like I'm 5. The bag boy says "Well, I guess it could be worse." The casher then says "I guess that's true, in a way we are all Harry Johnsons" then proceeds to giggle.

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