Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Yummy Yum Yum
I keep seeing the term "muffin top" being used to frighten women into getting ready for swimsuit and tiny summer clothes season. Really though it just makes me hungry. I mean the top of the muffin is the best part. I also have the same problem with the term "cottage cheese" used to talk about cellulite. Cottage cheese is good eating. I'm going to invent a sandwich that takes two muffin tops and sandwiches cottage cheese in the middle of them. mmmmmm, that sounds good actually.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
In the Nude
I am wearing pale nude color nylons today that have a pretty shell like knit pattern in them. First off I wear them because the air conditioning is going crazy in my office, presumably overcompensating for the heat wave outside and they keep my legs warm. Secondly I have three giant bug bites on my left leg from sitting outside on Saturday night and they hide the giant red marks. Thirdly I just like them. I always seem to get mocked for wearing these. Apparently wearing flesh colored leg wear is a big fashion don't. It is not like I'm wearing shiny orange tinted pantyhose. I mean even if I was then so what? I wear some weird shit all the time yet the only thing I get made fun of for wearing (well, at least to my face) is nude colored nylons. I like them! Aparently I'm alone in feeling so. I can't believe this is what I got on my soapbox to talk about today geez
Monday, April 28, 2008
Dog Fight!!!
Pity Party
Finding out about parties that happened that you weren't invited to after they happened is really rather depressing. I mean I guess it shouldn't be if you are older then 17 but it still is. Then you get to play the fun mind game of asking yourself if it is ambivalence or distain that someone feels towards you. Maybe I should just grow-up. I think I just really need a vacation.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Sleep, Eat, and be Merry
Lovely weekend, I don't really understand how I could sleep so much and still be tired though. On Friday we celebrated Liz's birthday. I made these lemon squares but I had to fudge some of the ingredients and the size pan I was using. All of that equaled disaster squares that didn't actually form anything but yummy lemon crumbs. They tasted good but I couldn't bring myself to take them to the party because I wasn't really sure how anyone would be able to eat them. On Saturday after I got up a little after noon I used all the left over lemons that I had bought to make the squares and squeezed them adding sugar and water to make lemonade. I've actually never made lemonade before and it is pretty much the best thing ever. I've been putting a glass in the freezer so it freezes to the point of being slushy. It is so good! I've been eating lemon squares and drinking lemonade all weekend. I also made yellow cupcakes on Saturday for Maureen's going away party. They weren't lemon flavored but I added yellow food dye and sprinkles to make them pretty. I hung out at the Hollywood house for Maureen's party till 4, then I staggered home and slept for the most part of today. I woke-up walked around and nursed myself with a giant iced coffee that made me feel worlds better. I headed over to Doug's and we watched The Assassination of Jesse James. I've had this netflix sitting at home for weeks now but I've never found three hours to just sit and watch it. That is such a long ass movie. It was very pretty and I really liked the music a lot and there was some good acting in it. I think it could have been edited better. Three hours was just unnecessary and I felt bored at parts that dragged. Then I dropped Doug off at the airport. He is flying home for his stepmom's funeral. So that is my weekend. Here is the birthday girl Liz having a fun time at her party. More photos on my flickr page if you ant to take a look.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The Pen is Mightier
I went to Trader Joes tonight to get some groceries. There was a man in front of me in his mid 30s, slightly plump and pretty average. I didn't really think anything of him until after he left. I heard the cashier whisper to the bag boy "That poor guy." I'm thinking 'What could he have possibly bought from Trader Joes to receive such pity.' He was in front of me the whole time and I didn't hear him say a word to the cashier other then "Hello" and "Thanks." So the bag boy asks "Why?" The cashier says "He must must have gotten picked on a lot when he was younger." I'm confused because nothing at all seemed out of sorts about this man, the bag boy was equally confused and asked the cashier to elaborate. The cashier quiets him and tells him to hold off a minute until he is sure the man has left. I'm dying to know and hope that they don't finish with me before I can find out about this poor man that must have gotten picked on as a child. Finally the cashier turns to the bag boy and whispers "I just feel bad for him. I was looking at his credit card and his name is Harry Johnson." They both then burst into laughter which in turn makes me laugh and also feel like I'm 5. The bag boy says "Well, I guess it could be worse." The casher then says "I guess that's true, in a way we are all Harry Johnsons" then proceeds to giggle.
Monday, April 21, 2008
The Gain of Pain
In the middle of my workout tonight I saw a spinning class organizing and I thought to myself 'I always wanted to try that.' So I joined the class. It is a pretty good work-out but holy hell do my lady parts hurt. I couldn't keep up because of the shooting pains in areas no one should have shooting pains. Oh man, when the instructor had us stand and spin it was like a little slice of heaven. I didn't know that class was an hour long either. Fuck you bicycle seat, I'm pretty sure I have lost my ability to have children.
Oh Mine Eyes. They Burn
I have two flickr accounts, one for my personal photos and one for my fashion log of things I wear. On my personal account I am only friends with people I know, however on the other account I befriend other people that keep similar logs. I just become accustom to adding whom ever adds me as a contact without even checking out their page. Well when I check that flickr page a window shows the latest photos from my contacts. I never really pay too much attention to this section until recently. Last night I was logged on and I was like 'what IS that? It can't be what it looks like'. Oh but it was! It was some chick bent over, naked, and peeing herself. I was a little horrified to find that a great many of my contacts had the grossest and ugly homemade porn. I didn't even know that was aloud on flickr. I need to figure out how to delete contacts, it only I could delete some of these images from my mind I'd sure be happier.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
My Complement, My Enemy, My Weekend
On Friday night I went to Laurel's for a girly Jane Austen get together. We watched the BBC's Pride & Prejudice. It was very very British and very Jane Austen. I made some fairly unattractive cupcakes. I was walking back on Hollywood BLVD at about 3:15AM with the left over cupcakes. The only people on the street were drunks and they all wanted my cupcakes, even a cop tried to get one.
On Saturday Lindsey, Lindsay, and I went to the Hammer museum for the Kara Walker exhibit titled "My Complement, My Enemy, My Oppressor, My Love." It is very good and powerful and amazing to see in person. It will be up till June 8th and I recommend it.

After that David joined us and we had dinner at Ugo's and then headed over to Hazel's loft warming party. She has a huge space above an auto repair shop. I mean it really is giant, I would be intimidated to have that much space.

On Saturday Lindsey, Lindsay, and I went to the Hammer museum for the Kara Walker exhibit titled "My Complement, My Enemy, My Oppressor, My Love." It is very good and powerful and amazing to see in person. It will be up till June 8th and I recommend it.

After that David joined us and we had dinner at Ugo's and then headed over to Hazel's loft warming party. She has a huge space above an auto repair shop. I mean it really is giant, I would be intimidated to have that much space.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I love my new headband!!!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Hard Work
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Birth of the J's
Jen & James' birthday party last night. There was also a photo of Amanda and I'm not leaving it out because I don't love her. You will just have to take my word that she looked lovely as a summer day but good friends don't post bad photos of good friends. Although if you are one of these people pictured and you think it is a bad photo then...shut-up you look fine, you're beautiful, DEAL WITH IT :)

Friday, April 11, 2008
Locks of Love
Things a normal person does: Sees a girl at the gym with such a pretty hair color and thinks 'That's a really pretty hair color.' Then said person goes on their merry way.
Things Christine does: Sees a girl at the gym with such a pretty hair color, fixates on the girls hair for a good half hour, and thinks 'I must HAVE this hair.' Goes out right after then gym and buys the closest matching hair dye she can find to said girls hair.
There may be something seriously wrong with me. But hey, I didn't wait for the girl in the parking lot and scalp her and sew her hair onto my head so I guess I'm doing okay.
Things Christine does: Sees a girl at the gym with such a pretty hair color, fixates on the girls hair for a good half hour, and thinks 'I must HAVE this hair.' Goes out right after then gym and buys the closest matching hair dye she can find to said girls hair.
There may be something seriously wrong with me. But hey, I didn't wait for the girl in the parking lot and scalp her and sew her hair onto my head so I guess I'm doing okay.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Damn I Want you so BAD Pita Chips
I went grocery shopping hungrey and bought totally yummy foods. I got that great spicey hummas. But wait...I completly forgot to buy anything that one either puts hummas on or dips hummas in. ooo
Monday, April 7, 2008
3250 Miles
I'm re-posting this for Mr. Doug Spice. Vote vote vote! That is a lot of money dollars and I'd love to see them get them.
Hello everyone! I'm trying to get around to emailing all of you, but in the meantime, I wanted to post here and say that my commercial for the Heinz Top This contest, "3250 MILES", has been announced as a finalist! Since there's $57,000 on the line, I'm asking that you please go vote vote vote! Tell your friends! You can actually vote once a day, which is annoying as hell, but please do it for the kids, the kids who are without ketchup, the kids who haven't seen an enormous number of waving American flags! And do it for me, so I can finally pay off the IRS.
That's "3250 Miles" and not any of the other ones! ;)
Thank you thank you!
Hello everyone! I'm trying to get around to emailing all of you, but in the meantime, I wanted to post here and say that my commercial for the Heinz Top This contest, "3250 MILES", has been announced as a finalist! Since there's $57,000 on the line, I'm asking that you please go vote vote vote! Tell your friends! You can actually vote once a day, which is annoying as hell, but please do it for the kids, the kids who are without ketchup, the kids who haven't seen an enormous number of waving American flags! And do it for me, so I can finally pay off the IRS.
That's "3250 Miles" and not any of the other ones! ;)
Thank you thank you!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Sew that Happened
Well before I start to clean up my giant sewing mess let me share with you my weekend sewing project. Yesterday I went to the fabric store with Lindsey because I wanted to get a pattern for this embroidered fabric I found. In retrospect the fabric would have been better as a full skirt, it is bit stiff. I cut out the pattern and pattern pieces at her apartment where her kitty Elwood pounced and tried to eat it. We had some dinner and then Lindsey, David, and I walked over to Black Market Gallery for the Ryan McLennanFrom Fur To Bone opening. This was my favorite piece.

Today I finished up my little sewing project. I haven't sewn anything in awhile so I am a bit rusty. This isn't the best thing I've even made but one must get back on the horse if you wish to ride again.

Today I finished up my little sewing project. I haven't sewn anything in awhile so I am a bit rusty. This isn't the best thing I've even made but one must get back on the horse if you wish to ride again.
Friday, April 4, 2008
I was talking with one of our venders yesterday. She is a very nice and cool lady, probably my favorite vendor. She is an aerobics instructor too at some fancy fitness club and she was one of the inventors of TaiBou, I don't know if that is how it is spelled. She also has had a lot of cosmetic surgeries and is very open about talking about them which is pretty fascinating. She is very down to Earth jeans and t-shirt type that loves dogs and has about 5 or 6. Anyways the point of my story was to tell you a story she was telling me that cracked my ass up. Apparently she takes her dogs to the dog park in the evening and there is this autistic guy around 20 that takes his dog to the park as well. Well the lady I work with gives him a ride home when it gets dark. He says to her in the car "Your more of a wine coolers party type of person and not like a tea party person aren't you?" Well this lady does like to drink and have a good time so she says "Well, yes I suppose I am, what makes you say that?" Retarded dude says "Well it is just the way you look, like you don't care how you look." Dammmmmn, she totally got punked by a retard! So the next day at work she straightened her hair and bought a new outfit. You probably think this story is pointless but I'm sorry, a mentally challenged person telling you that you are a wine cooler party type of person that doesn't care how you look makes me laugh big time.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
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