Thursday, July 10, 2008

Rags and Bags

So I succeed last night in turning that fabric into the worlds most scratchy dress which I will not be wearing this weekend. I need a Vegas outfit STAT! Sense I'm unable to do anything but gain weight as of lately maybe I will just go for the bag dress. All these summer parties and doing things after work instead of going to the gym and eatting right is really catching up to me. I am not looking forward to wearing a bathing suit this weekend.

I think I over heated my computer last night looking up info on MS on the internet. I was sad to read about how MS effects the body and then all of a sudden my computer just dies. I don't know when I will be able to afford to get it fixed. With money being spent on this weekend in Vegas and then the money I will spend being in Miami next week. I have a really crappy computer at work and can't get into my hotmail account. Maybe this is the perfect time to finally switch over to my more adult respectfully named gmail account. So if you are going to e-mail me please do so at

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