More About Chaffey
Chaffey is a very sweet Exotic Shorthair who has had a long road to recovery. He was found roaming the fields of Riverside, trying to survive on his own. He was extremely skinny and had an upset stomach for a long time. He is finally stable with a special canned food diet and gaining weight and energy. Chaffey is gaining weight and doing well.. Chaffey is the most loving and affectionate cat, he follows me around everywhere, always trying to be close to me and jumping on my lap. He is an incredibly gentle and sweet boy, he loves to be brushed and fussed over. He has a very cute little meow when he wants food or attention and purrs like crazy when pet. He endures baths patiently, I think he even likes them. I don't think I have ever had or fostered a cat as sweet as Chaffey, you will absolutely fall in love with him.He will make an incredible companion. He will try to eat any food that is left out, I guess his survival out in the fields forced him to eat people food. I have to stress that consistency in his diet is essential. He uses the littler box and is very good at grooming himself. An adult home would be best for him. Chaffey now likes to play sometimes and is very athletic and a good jumper. Please consider giving Chaffey a forever home, he will shower you with sweetness and love and will warm your feet at night.

Although look at this pie faced fatty!!! Must get off

1 comment:
It's what happened to me. I caved in the end. I wish I still had the description they wrote up for Elwood...
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