Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Let me start this story by saying for personal reasons I have been feeling pretty unattractive and down about myself for the last few days. I was leaving the gym this evening when this man stopped me. I recognized him as being a regular. When you go to the gym a few days a week like I do you start to recognize your fellow regular gym goers because there is very few and most people you only see a few times before they disappear. I had never spoken to the man that stopped me but I often see him and he stands out because if he is not a model then he looks like one, he is a very tall very fit black man. So he stops me tonight and says "Excuse me, how long have you been coming to this gym now?" I say I'm not sure and he says "At least a year" and I say probably about 2. He then says "Well you can see the change, you look GREAT. Keep up the good work." I thank him and leave. I have been feeling so crappy lately and a complement was exactly what I needed. I know it probably seems silly to an outsider but it made me so happy that I teared up. It wasn't a pick-up line or a complement because he wanted something from me. It was for no reason and it was wonderful. I'm going to try and be more complimentary to other people because I often think good things about people I know, or even those I don't, and I keep them to myself a lot. This guy's complement really made my day and I would love to do the same for someone else someday.

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