Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Days Go By

I've been thinking about writing a post to talk about my week in Miami. I don't think I really want to. It wasn't really a good time but wasn't all that bad either. I just don't think I have all that much to say about it. I can enjoy South Beach but it is the complete opposite of who I am as a person. I enjoy things that are different but it all seems so superficial and tasteless there. I suppose that is what people visiting LA think which I can understand if you don't know the right places to go. There is probably a lot of cool and artsy places in Miami but I didn't have time for them nor did I know where to find them. I had two days where I got out early (5:30 pm) and literally ran to the beach to get the last hour of sun left in the day. I love the beaches there and really with I would have a had a little more time to spend on them. I can't wait for this weekend. Working through the weekend then flying in last night only to be back at work bright and early this morning is exhausting and a bit depressing. I haven't seen anyone that I don't work with for over a week now and I am lonely as hell.

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