Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Let me start this story by saying for personal reasons I have been feeling pretty unattractive and down about myself for the last few days. I was leaving the gym this evening when this man stopped me. I recognized him as being a regular. When you go to the gym a few days a week like I do you start to recognize your fellow regular gym goers because there is very few and most people you only see a few times before they disappear. I had never spoken to the man that stopped me but I often see him and he stands out because if he is not a model then he looks like one, he is a very tall very fit black man. So he stops me tonight and says "Excuse me, how long have you been coming to this gym now?" I say I'm not sure and he says "At least a year" and I say probably about 2. He then says "Well you can see the change, you look GREAT. Keep up the good work." I thank him and leave. I have been feeling so crappy lately and a complement was exactly what I needed. I know it probably seems silly to an outsider but it made me so happy that I teared up. It wasn't a pick-up line or a complement because he wanted something from me. It was for no reason and it was wonderful. I'm going to try and be more complimentary to other people because I often think good things about people I know, or even those I don't, and I keep them to myself a lot. This guy's complement really made my day and I would love to do the same for someone else someday.
On Holiday
I have no sense of time. I was at the CalMart downtown town for work this morning and I see this person walk in with a giant arm full of red heart shaped balloons and I think 'Is it Valentine's Day season?' After a moment I realized that it was the end of July and about as far from Valentines Day as possible. Last night I was cleaning the front of my refrigerator of a Christmas and Valentine's Day card so maybe it was in my head. Sometimes I have trouble remembering what month it is. I sort of wanted one of those balloons though, they looked so pretty.
Monday, July 28, 2008
I'll just sit and stare at my deep blue walls Until I can see nothing at all
I love Azure Ray's song "November." I am recommending it. It just came on my ipod at work and I listened to it three times. Um....that's all. Good music recommendation for all.
Gone Baby Gone
It was an interesting weekend, some really bad some good. I feel very fortunate to have been able to hang out with such lovely people at Jen & Alex's pool party and the Hollywood Bowl Gnarls Barkley show. Lets just focus on the good, and by good I mean this awesome dress I found at Goodwill and wore to the show last night. I love it and all its silliness.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Honey in my Tummy....and purse
I went out to eat with Lindsey last night and she gave me a jar of honey from her families bees. I forgot to take the jar out and it is still in my purse. Now I'm at work eating honey straight from the jar. Yummy yum yum....I am sorta gross.
I wish I could make the world stop talking about Batman until I get a chance to see it. I am selfish!!! Stop it, stop talking people!!! hehe
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Hangin Tough
I have a giant bruise on my upper thigh that is shaped like a coat hanger. Some people like to find shapes in clouds, I like to find shapes on my bruises.
Ground Zero
Here is a tip if you really want to tone down your self esteem to zero. Go to Miami swim market and spend hours in the models dressing room dressing and undressing the perfect bodies and faces of bathing suit models. Let me tell you, you won't even be able to look at yourself in a mirror with out feeling genetically shorthanded after doing that.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Days Go By
I've been thinking about writing a post to talk about my week in Miami. I don't think I really want to. It wasn't really a good time but wasn't all that bad either. I just don't think I have all that much to say about it. I can enjoy South Beach but it is the complete opposite of who I am as a person. I enjoy things that are different but it all seems so superficial and tasteless there. I suppose that is what people visiting LA think which I can understand if you don't know the right places to go. There is probably a lot of cool and artsy places in Miami but I didn't have time for them nor did I know where to find them. I had two days where I got out early (5:30 pm) and literally ran to the beach to get the last hour of sun left in the day. I love the beaches there and really with I would have a had a little more time to spend on them. I can't wait for this weekend. Working through the weekend then flying in last night only to be back at work bright and early this morning is exhausting and a bit depressing. I haven't seen anyone that I don't work with for over a week now and I am lonely as hell.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Miami '08
don't remember the last time I was this tired. more later, photos now
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
The fact that I am missing Feist at the Hollywood Bowl this weekend makes me SUPER sad, but it is okay because this video makes me super happy. I am balanced and no longer feel anything.
Monday, July 14, 2008
I Eat Your Sleep!
I am a sleep monster! Give me your sleep, I will eat it up! GNOM GNOM GNOM I have been sleepy all day even though I slept like 10 hours last night. I was so sleepy this morning that I locked myself out. I don't have a spare set of keys either. I ended up braking into my apartment which is actually extremely easy which sort of scares me but was a relief this morning. SLEEP MONSTER NEEDS SLEEP, GIVE ME SLEEP!
Oh My July
July is kicking my ass. Work has been busy with market starting in less then a week. Tomorrow I have to get be at work super early and then it goes late with a dinner in the evening. I'll be flying off later this week and working through the weekend, getting back in town late Tuesday night and right back to work Wednesday morning. I can't wait for July 26th which will be the end of my crazy July and a weekend I will dedicate to rest. I should write a little about my weekend Vegas trip.
We left on Friday evening. I tried to get to Lindsey's early but traffic was awful and I ended up getting there right on time which I guess is better then late. Lindsay bought Sprinkles doughnuts which was great because I was starving. When we were just past the state line and getting close to Vegas there was the most incredible lightening show. The desert can be such a beautiful and strange place with such erratic weather. We drove into town and everything was wet from the rain. We got into our hotel room and had a drink and unpacked. We ended up just hanging out in the room.
In the morning we headed to the pool. It was lightly sprinkling outside so there wasn't too many people out there. We set up on some chairs by the wave pool. They had sand all along the pool side so it resembled a beach. The wave pool was lots of fun and we tried to body surf which was hard because the lifeguards tried to keep everyone behind the line where the waves broke which I didn't completely understand and they kept yelling and blowing their whistles every time you crossed the line. They had this really cool lazy river that went in circles. You could rent an innertube and float around in it, or you could be like us and just float without an innertube. We spent the whole day at the pool. I was so worried that I would get burned that I kept reapplying sunblock about 5 times. I don't think I ended up getting any sun haha. I saw two women wearing swimsuits that I worked on from our line. Las Vegas is such great people watching and the pool was an amazing place.
We headed back to the room and showered. Afterwards we went to the Urban Outfitters inside the hotel. I bought a little green hat. We went into a few shops then headed back to the room to get ready for dinner. All of us ladies looked so fancy especially Lindsey in her adorable yellow dress. I will have to post a group shot later. We ate dinner at a nice Mexican restaurant outside. After dinner we took a taxi to a club, I believe it was called Jet. There was good dancing times in the club. I was a big party pooper because guys that I don't know dancing on me really freaks me out and I run away and start dancing some place else. I feel like I was probably really annoying and not a good sport but I can't help but shut down when my comfort level is crossed. Jesse, Agata, and I got tired and headed back to the hotel. In the morning we packed up and headed back to LA with a stop off at Bob's Big Boy!
I'm so tired at work today even though I got plenty of sleep last night and I really didn't drink or do anything crazy this weekend.
We left on Friday evening. I tried to get to Lindsey's early but traffic was awful and I ended up getting there right on time which I guess is better then late. Lindsay bought Sprinkles doughnuts which was great because I was starving. When we were just past the state line and getting close to Vegas there was the most incredible lightening show. The desert can be such a beautiful and strange place with such erratic weather. We drove into town and everything was wet from the rain. We got into our hotel room and had a drink and unpacked. We ended up just hanging out in the room.
In the morning we headed to the pool. It was lightly sprinkling outside so there wasn't too many people out there. We set up on some chairs by the wave pool. They had sand all along the pool side so it resembled a beach. The wave pool was lots of fun and we tried to body surf which was hard because the lifeguards tried to keep everyone behind the line where the waves broke which I didn't completely understand and they kept yelling and blowing their whistles every time you crossed the line. They had this really cool lazy river that went in circles. You could rent an innertube and float around in it, or you could be like us and just float without an innertube. We spent the whole day at the pool. I was so worried that I would get burned that I kept reapplying sunblock about 5 times. I don't think I ended up getting any sun haha. I saw two women wearing swimsuits that I worked on from our line. Las Vegas is such great people watching and the pool was an amazing place.
We headed back to the room and showered. Afterwards we went to the Urban Outfitters inside the hotel. I bought a little green hat. We went into a few shops then headed back to the room to get ready for dinner. All of us ladies looked so fancy especially Lindsey in her adorable yellow dress. I will have to post a group shot later. We ate dinner at a nice Mexican restaurant outside. After dinner we took a taxi to a club, I believe it was called Jet. There was good dancing times in the club. I was a big party pooper because guys that I don't know dancing on me really freaks me out and I run away and start dancing some place else. I feel like I was probably really annoying and not a good sport but I can't help but shut down when my comfort level is crossed. Jesse, Agata, and I got tired and headed back to the hotel. In the morning we packed up and headed back to LA with a stop off at Bob's Big Boy!
I'm so tired at work today even though I got plenty of sleep last night and I really didn't drink or do anything crazy this weekend.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Vegas Weekend!
Got back and am a sleepy lazy person. More later, but photos now!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Rags and Bags
So I succeed last night in turning that fabric into the worlds most scratchy dress which I will not be wearing this weekend. I need a Vegas outfit STAT! Sense I'm unable to do anything but gain weight as of lately maybe I will just go for the bag dress. All these summer parties and doing things after work instead of going to the gym and eatting right is really catching up to me. I am not looking forward to wearing a bathing suit this weekend.
I think I over heated my computer last night looking up info on MS on the internet. I was sad to read about how MS effects the body and then all of a sudden my computer just dies. I don't know when I will be able to afford to get it fixed. With money being spent on this weekend in Vegas and then the money I will spend being in Miami next week. I have a really crappy computer at work and can't get into my hotmail account. Maybe this is the perfect time to finally switch over to my more adult respectfully named gmail account. So if you are going to e-mail me please do so at
I think I over heated my computer last night looking up info on MS on the internet. I was sad to read about how MS effects the body and then all of a sudden my computer just dies. I don't know when I will be able to afford to get it fixed. With money being spent on this weekend in Vegas and then the money I will spend being in Miami next week. I have a really crappy computer at work and can't get into my hotmail account. Maybe this is the perfect time to finally switch over to my more adult respectfully named gmail account. So if you are going to e-mail me please do so at
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
I Knows 'bout Fashion
So I found some fabric I would love to make into a dress for this coming weekends trip to Vegas. Um...chances of that happening aren't great. Maybe I will just walk around in the worlds coolest burka! Maybe I can trick tourist into thinking I'm Michael Jackson. Hmmm...I wonder what the benefit of tricking people into thinking your Michael Jackson is?
Monday, July 7, 2008
I just saw an ad on TV for Botox and their slogan is "It's all about freedom of expression." I'm pretty sure Botox paralyzing facial muscles. I wish the ad would be honest and be like "Botox, it's all bout freedom from expression."
Next Stop: Crazy Cat Lady
I need to get off! Look at this guy in Beverly Hills! GAWH!!!
More About Chaffey
Chaffey is a very sweet Exotic Shorthair who has had a long road to recovery. He was found roaming the fields of Riverside, trying to survive on his own. He was extremely skinny and had an upset stomach for a long time. He is finally stable with a special canned food diet and gaining weight and energy. Chaffey is gaining weight and doing well.. Chaffey is the most loving and affectionate cat, he follows me around everywhere, always trying to be close to me and jumping on my lap. He is an incredibly gentle and sweet boy, he loves to be brushed and fussed over. He has a very cute little meow when he wants food or attention and purrs like crazy when pet. He endures baths patiently, I think he even likes them. I don't think I have ever had or fostered a cat as sweet as Chaffey, you will absolutely fall in love with him.He will make an incredible companion. He will try to eat any food that is left out, I guess his survival out in the fields forced him to eat people food. I have to stress that consistency in his diet is essential. He uses the littler box and is very good at grooming himself. An adult home would be best for him. Chaffey now likes to play sometimes and is very athletic and a good jumper. Please consider giving Chaffey a forever home, he will shower you with sweetness and love and will warm your feet at night.

Although look at this pie faced fatty!!! Must get off
More About Chaffey
Chaffey is a very sweet Exotic Shorthair who has had a long road to recovery. He was found roaming the fields of Riverside, trying to survive on his own. He was extremely skinny and had an upset stomach for a long time. He is finally stable with a special canned food diet and gaining weight and energy. Chaffey is gaining weight and doing well.. Chaffey is the most loving and affectionate cat, he follows me around everywhere, always trying to be close to me and jumping on my lap. He is an incredibly gentle and sweet boy, he loves to be brushed and fussed over. He has a very cute little meow when he wants food or attention and purrs like crazy when pet. He endures baths patiently, I think he even likes them. I don't think I have ever had or fostered a cat as sweet as Chaffey, you will absolutely fall in love with him.He will make an incredible companion. He will try to eat any food that is left out, I guess his survival out in the fields forced him to eat people food. I have to stress that consistency in his diet is essential. He uses the littler box and is very good at grooming himself. An adult home would be best for him. Chaffey now likes to play sometimes and is very athletic and a good jumper. Please consider giving Chaffey a forever home, he will shower you with sweetness and love and will warm your feet at night.

Although look at this pie faced fatty!!! Must get off

Sunday, July 6, 2008
From Sea to Shining Sea
This is the first 4th of July I haven't had to work in awhile. It is so nice to have a three day weekend. On Thursday night I went to the Tournament of Nerds at Meltdown comics. They took two popular comic book and movie characters and people were assigned a character to debate. Whoever won went on to the next round. I thought is was a pretty neat idea. Liz was debating for Chewbacca and Jeff for Voltron. Unfortunately the judges were also giant nerds that already knew who they were voting for before the people even debated so the debating was irrelevant. I found that annoying. The little back room at Meltdown was so hot and sweaty and there were just too many characters to stay for the whole event. I ended up leaving and getting a milkshake at Fat Burger. On the 4th of July, Friday, I went to a BBQ in Echo Park and then ended up at a beach house BBQ in Playa del Rey. I got to sit in the sand and watch the fireworks. I ventured out to put my feet in the ocean. You know you must be drunk when it is around midnight and you have your feet in the cold ocean and can't feel that it is cold. I lost at a drinking game after a day of drinking so I was pretty much a mess by the end of the night. I felt none to good the next day. I got changed and ready to go to Jessica's birthday party in the evening, I even made brownies. I just didn't make it out the door. I still felt a little sick, plus cranky and tired. I feel bad that I didn't go but I wouldn't have been a very good time if I had. Today I got cussed out by a complete stranger in the Trader Joes parking lot. It was actually rather upsetting. It has been a strange weekend.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
I'm re-posting this because while I was busy feeling sorry for myself this totally cracked me up and I hope it makes someone else laugh too.
Even though I can't recall most of the 1985 live-action version of Alice in Wonderland, I know that I used to be kind of frightened of it. After watching this clip of Carol Channing interacting with Alice (both of whom are in bad wigs), I totally remember why. OK, let's get past the fact that she's terrifying looking for a moment, and focus on the acting. Why is she trying to play this scene first as an older southern black man, then as Regan from The Exorcist? Whatever the case, I have to see this film in its entirety again.
Even though I can't recall most of the 1985 live-action version of Alice in Wonderland, I know that I used to be kind of frightened of it. After watching this clip of Carol Channing interacting with Alice (both of whom are in bad wigs), I totally remember why. OK, let's get past the fact that she's terrifying looking for a moment, and focus on the acting. Why is she trying to play this scene first as an older southern black man, then as Regan from The Exorcist? Whatever the case, I have to see this film in its entirety again.
Not a Pretty Picture
On two separate occasions today I have received e-mails of photos of me in a bathing suit on the beach. None more horrifying than the ones my mom took from this weekend. They are without a doubt the most unflattering pictures ever taken of me (and believe me I have taken many an unflattering photo). Wow, my ego just crashed on the floor. My conclusion should be a very strict diet and new super hard gym routine. I'll do my best there but my actual conclusion is NO PICTURES OF ME IN A BATHING SUIT SHALL BE TAKEN! I will fucking destroy anyone that does not adhere to my new rule! GAH, I know it is superficial but I feel crap.
Sorry I Prejudged you Rhubarb
I made rhubarb and strawberry pie last night. I was very apprehensive because I have never eaten rhubarb before and it just looked like demonic celery, and who wants to eat celery pie??? I was pleasantly surprised by the results though I kinda f'ed up the crust by not making enough (or I probably ate too much of the dough oophs). I want to try making more pies, they are fun times.
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